Parent Feedback
"4kids1st was a knight in shining armor for my 5 year old special needs
son. In spite of his legal rights under the IDEA, his school principal
tried pushing him out of the school in kindergarten openly stating 'we
do not have kids like him at this school.' This attitude clearly fed
through to his kindergarten teacher; his teacher verbally, emotionally
and physically abused him. After his doctor reported her to Children's
Services, instead of changing things at the school and accommodating my son, he was "educated" alone in the dean's office for months. Once
Kathy and 4kids1st started representing my son, the school's attitude
changed from 'blaming' my son for his disability, to providing needed
accommodations. It took over a year to rebuild his confidence and trust
in the school setting. Thanks to 4kids1st, he is now in a special
program in the public school whereby he has appropriate accommodations
and just today received a student of the month award!"

"Kathy does not even have a child with special needs, yet it is her love and her drive, just her amazing generosity, someone who has that love and concern for kids, without even having one of her own"

Kathy took the time to get to know who our son was, when school had merely labeled him. She treated him with compassion and respect; she included him in the decision-making and then was tenacious in achieving a result that was in his best interest. We observed that as our relationship grew, and our son’s placement was established, his feelings about school changed. Kathy Greco is a person who sincerely asks “How may I help you?” and then patiently listens to the answer. She is a kind, caring professional in the way that she serves others."

"4kids1st really changed the trajectory of J's life by helping us get him out of the County program. He is learning like crazy, he loves being around the other kids. Thank you again and I just wanted you to know what an enormous difference you have made!"

"Kathy is a very compassionate, kind person who is doing this out of the goodness of her heart and sincere desire to help. Having gone through the school system with my boys, I know that it can be a constant struggle dealing with all sorts of issues – behaviour, sometimes teachers or administrators who don’t quite understand the behaviours or who are overburdened with large class sizes to pay special attention to your child with special needs. And, sadly, there have been times when the school administrators, perhaps motivated by budget cuts, will try to take advantage of parents to save dollars and not do what is the best for your child. It is in these cases that an understanding of special education law and your legal rights is so crucial, but hiring a lawyer or advocate is very expensive and not affordable for many parents. Kathy's parent support group provides this much-needed service in our community. No one wants to battle the school district – we have enough battles in our everyday lives – but sometimes it is necessary because the future of our children depend on it. Her support groups are very well attended. So, I thank Kathy Greco for all her dedication to our "special" children and community."